Constitution and Bylaws


To act on behalf of the members of the Southfour Fastpitch Softball Association and carry out its operations in an efficient and cost-effective manner; to fulfill the association’s mandate professionally and responsibly; to practice discretion at all times and accept decisions made on a majority basis and to attend regular meetings and be fully prepared to participate as member of the Board. 



1.1 The name of the association shall be the Southfour Fastpitch Softball Association, referred to as S4.

1.2 S4 shall be affiliated with the Calgary Minor Softball Association (CMSA), Softball Alberta, and the Southfour Sports Association. 

1.3 Members of S4 shall be all registered players and their parents, coaches and Board members.

1.4 An annual general meeting shall be called once yearly, and a report shall be given by the Board to the members of the association, including a current financial statement.

1.5 Any amendments to the bylaws shall be sent to the members at least two weeks prior to the meeting and voted on at the meeting.

1.6 There shall be one vote per family at any annual general meetings or other meetings called from time to time. 

1.7 A quorum for regular Board meetings shall be 50% of serving Board members.

1.8 A quorum for any annual general meeting is 4 people of the voting membership for the current year.

1.9 Any policies and procedures not found in this document shall be covered in the minutes of the Association under motions made and approved at past meetings of the Board, and shall be kept in perpetuity for the life of the Association.  If necessary, these bylaws shall supersede any motions



2.1 The operations of S4 shall be carried out by the Executive (consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) and Board members.

2.2 The Board shall consist of no more than ten (10) Directors or members at large, including the Executive.

2.3 The term of office shall be two (2) years, unless by acclimation the term shall be extended.  All members of the Executive and board shall serve until their successors are elected.  A Board member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board.  A Board member may be removed from office at any time by a majority vote of the Board.

2.4 A new Board member shall attend a minimum of three (3) meetings before being allowed to vote at Board meetings. 

2.5 The Board shall hold a minimum of six (6) meetings per year to conduct any business of the association, to fill any vacancy on the Board, to review and establish the annual budget or to prepare any document or report.

2.6 In the case of a tie vote, the vote of the President shall become the tie-breaker.

2.7 Any special meetings that may need to be called over the course of a year shall be done by the President at his or her discretion.

2.8 Each Board member shall perform his/her duties in good faith and in the best interests of the association; and shall only receive remuneration for their services in the form of reimbursement of expenses related to Board duties.

2.9 No more than half of the sitting Board, may be replaced at an annual general meeting.



3.1  The Board should engage in ongoing planning and strategy necessary to determine its mission, and define specific goals and objectives in order to achieve it, and to further evaluate the success of its efforts.

3.2 The Board is responsible for the financial health of the association and should actively participate in some fundraising process, such as participation in casinos through its affiliation with the S4 Sports Association.

3.3 The Board should approve written policies and procedures governing the work and actions of its volunteers as required.  These should address the confidentiality of records and information; evaluation and grievance guidelines; and volunteer and player growth and development.

3.4 The association is a district member of the Calgary Minor Softball Association (CMSA) and in general follows the policies and procedures as set forth by them, particularly regarding any safety requirements for players of the association.

3.5 Any special requests by players to play on the same team are made at the discretion of the Board and are mainly determined by evaluation results.

3.6 Any complaints with regards to a coach or parent or volunteer must be made in writing to the President of the Board and will be dealt with at a special meeting of the Board, if necessary, at the discretion of the President.

3.7 Any policies and procedures not covered here may be found in the minutes of the association - motions made and approved at past meetings of the Board




  • Is a member of the Board
  • Is the principal signing authority for all documents and contracts made out in the name of the association
  • Chairs meetings of the Board after developing the agenda with the Secretary
  • Appoints all committees of the Board in consultation with other Board members and serves unofficially as a member of such committees
  • Monitors any financial planning, budgeting and financial reports
  • Performs any responsibilities assigned by the Board
  • Helps guide the Board in actions with respect to the priorities of the association, encourages strategic planning and reviews with the Executive any issues of concern to the Board


  • Is a member of the Board
  • Can be designated as a signing authority - one of two signatures required
  • Is generally assumed to be the successor to the President’s position whenever possible
  • Performs any duties of the President when he/she is not available if so designated by the President; and performs any other responsibilities assigned by the Board



  • Is a member of the Board
  • Manages minutes of Board meetings and ensures they are distributed to members shortly after each meeting
  • Sets meeting agendas with the President
  • Maintains records of the Board and ensures effective management of association’s records
  • Is in charge of all correspondence of the association
  • Sends out notices of meetings as required
  • Is the principal liaison between the Board and the members of the association



  • Is a member of the Board
  • Shall be a signing authority for the association - one of two signatures required
  • Manages and administers finances of the association and accounts for all monies paid to and distributed by the association
  • Provides annual budget to the Board for approval
  • Ensures that an internal review of the association’s compliance with known existing financial, legal and regulatory reporting requirements is conducted annually and that the results are provided to the Board



  • Is a member of the Board
  • Shall set yearly registration dates in consultation with the Board
  • Shall ensure all advertising of registration dates is done on time
  • Shall ensure that the database of player information is updated yearly so that S4 teams can be registered properly with CMSA in a timely fashion as determined by the President



  • Is a member of the Board
  • Participates in association and committee work (especially at evaluation time) and willingly accepts assignments and completes them thoroughly and in a timely fashion
  • Stays informed about association matters, prepares well for meetings, and reviews and comments on minutes and reports
  • Builds a strong working relationship with all board members in order to achieve consensus

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Mar. 07, 2025 6:15 PM to 7:15 PM

Winter Pitching Clinic (U9-U13) Night #1
Nellie McClung School Gym
Night #1 of our 3 night indoor pitching clinic or U9 to U13 age levels.

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Mar. 07, 2025 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM

Winter Pitching Clinic (U15-U19) Night #1
Nellie McClung School Gym
Night #1 of our 3 night indoor pitching clinic or U15 to U19 age levels.

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Mar. 14, 2025 6:15 PM to 7:15 PM

Winter Pitching Clinic (U9-U13) Night #2
Night #2 of our 3 night indoor pitching clinic or U9 to U13 age levels.

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